I'm so excited to share my collection of printable typography wall art that I created! It's currently available on Etsy as a printable digital download in three different sizes. All these designs are under $10USD! The great thing about digital downloads is that you don't have to wait for anything to be mailed. All you have to do is download, print, and enjoy! (Specific instructions are detailed on my Etsy site). I'm obsessed with the modern designs of the collection. The black and white color scheme can match with a variety of decor styles. There are currently 12 different styles to chose from with more to be added. Here's a peak of what's available now!

The Go Hard Print

The 3 Piece Atlanta Print Set

The Black High Fashion Print

The Peachtree Atlanta, GA Print

The Original Print

The Keep the Faith Print

The In Due Time Print

The White High Fashion Print

The I'm Dope Print

The God Over Everything Print

The 404 Print

The Essential Print
I hope you love these prints as much as I do! You can really personalize your home with these prints and save money whether you print at home, a local printshop, or an online print store.