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Modern Nursery Tour | DIY Minimalist and Modern Nursery

I turned my guest room into my baby's nursery! I really enjoyed decorating this space. For me, being able to decorate a nursery was one of the exciting things to look forward to when it came to having a baby. I didn't spend a lot for the things in the nursery and some of the decor I made myself. I really like the sleek look of the black and wood accents in the room. I tried to make sure I only selected minimal pieces to not have the space cluttered and overwhelming. Keep scrolling to check out some of my finds and decor I put in this space!

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Dresser storage and changing area with graffiti style wall art.

Nursing and reading nook

Book Storage

Toy Storage

Closet organization and additional storage


I'm loving the simple and clean decor in this room. Shop some of the things in this room and some of my other baby must haves on my Amazon Storefront for baby!

Watch the video for more angles!



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