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DIY Dollar Store High End Christmas Decor | Marble, Wood, & Metals Modern Christmas Home Decor

I'm dreaming of December 25th with this modern and chic DIY Christmas decor. I'm using dollar tree materials left over in my craft stash to create a super cute Christmas decor collection. I'm loving the use of marble, wood, and metals incorporated in this look. Find out how each piece of this Christmas decor is made.

#1. Dreaming of Christmas Countdown Decor

Materials: (I'm mainly using materials from the dollar store for these projects).

  • 3 5x7 Silver Frame Bases

  • Marble Print Wrapping Paper

  • Metal Letters

  • Metal Numbers

  • Dreaming Faux Marble and Wood Triangle Peaked Decor Piece

  • Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks


  1. Start by grabbing one of the 5x7 frames and cutting the marble print wrapping paper to cover the opening.

  2. Use hot glue to adhere the wrapping paper inside the seams of the frame.

  3. Complete the same above process using a second frame.

  4. Adhere both of the completed frames together with the marble print design facing outwards.

  5. Use hot glue to adhere the metal letters "DEC 25" to the face of one side of the marble print space.

  6. Grab the "dreaming" triangle shaped decor piece and adhere the letters "OF" under dreaming.

  7. Grab the third frame and use it as a base for the structure. Stack and adhere all three pieces together. (Adhere "DEC 25" Piece on top of frame base. Adhere "Dreaming Of" on top of everything else).


#2. Faux Marble Christmas Tree Cones


  • Marble Print Wrapping Paper

  • Adhesive (Glue or Tape)

  • Pen or Pencil (Optional)

  • Scissors


  1. Draw an arch shape on the wrapping paper.

  2. Cut the arch out using scissors.

  3. Wrap the paper to form a cone shape.

  4. Tape or adhere the wrapped cone together.

  5. Cut the bottom of the cone so that the cone will sit flat. (I found that cutting the bottom at a curve will create a base for it to stand evenly).


#3. Clear Modern Dreaming Lantern


  • Marble Print Wrapping Paper

  • Dreaming Faux Marble and Wood Triangle Peaked Decor Piece

  • 2 Glass Frame Inserts

  • 1 5x7 Frame Base

  • Hot Glue Gun and Sticks


  1. Trace and cut marble print wrapping paper to cover the back of the "dreaming decor piece".

  2. Add glue to the inside length of both sides of the 5x7 frame.

  3. Adhere and insert glass pieces against each other at a tilt.

  4. Adhere the constructed "dreaming decor piece" to the face/front of the glass structure.

  5. Then, add a flameless candle to complete the look.


#4. Metal Joy Sign


  • Welcome Faux Marble and Wood Decor Piece

  • Marble Print Wrapping Paper

  • 5x7 Frame

  • Bamboo Skewers

  • Metal Letters

  • Hot Glue Gun and Sticks


  1. Demo the "welcome" faux marble and wood decor piece by removing the "welcome" metal text.

  2. Cut the outline of the faux marble and wood decor piece on the marble print wrapping paper.

  3. Adhere the cut marble print wrapping paper to the base. (This process covers the imperfections of removing the "welcome" metal text).

  4. Cut three bamboo skewers to fit in the 5x7 frame.

  5. Adhere the cut bamboo skewers horizontally along the inside of the frame base.

  6. Adhere a "J" metal letter on one skewer and follow the same process for the "o" and "y".

  7. Then, adhere the bottom of the sign to the marble print covered base.


That's all you need to do to create some modern high end Christmas decor from the dollar store. I hope you find this Christmas decor inspiring. Come say hi and tag me @Craftingwithcass on Instagram if you decide to create your own!

Watch the video for more!



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