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It's a Spray-paint Thang!

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

Spray paint is not your average spray paint anymore! Spray paint currently lends itself to be one of my favorite DIY techniques. Like everything in life...spray-paint has definitely evolved. Big name craft stores and other big box retailers now carry a wide variety of spray-paint for consumers to choose. Literally the options these days are unreal! The options range from texture added effects such as chalk finish, shimmer, glitter, fine stone, sea glass, satin, metallic, stained glass, glow in the dark, matte, marbleizing and much more. Any object can be sprayed and transformed instantaneously.

Don't forget the fabric spray paint! Fabric spray paint has really impressed me with the ease of use and ability to deliver a clear effect on the fabric. Splatter and graffiti effects can easily be made on clothes depending on the amount of pressure used while spraying.

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